
This section covers the useProduct function.

The useProduct hook is typically used in e-commerce or marketplace applications to manage product-related data and operations. Like other hooks, useProduct is not a built-in feature of React but a custom hook that developers create to encapsulate logic related to products.


Fetching Product Data:

  • Retrieves product details from an API or database.
  • Supports fetching individual products by ID or multiple products by category, search query, or other filters.

Product State Management:

  • Manages the state of product data (e.g., loading, error, product details).
  • Stores product information such as name, price, description, images, and inventory status.

Handling Variants:

  • Manages product variants like different sizes, colors, or configurations.
  • Allows selecting and switching between variants.

Product Availability:

  • Checks and manages the availability or stock status of products.
  • Optionally handles backorders or notifications for when a product is back in stock.

Cart Integration:

  • Provides functions to add products to the cart, including handling quantity and variant selections.
  • Integrates with a cart management system or hook.

Wishlist Management:

  • Allows users to add or remove products from a wishlist.
  • Handles persistence of the wishlist, either locally or via an API.

Product Reviews and Ratings:

  • Fetches and manages product reviews and ratings.
  • Provides functionality for users to submit reviews.

Price Calculations:

  • Handles dynamic price calculations, including discounts, taxes, and promotions.
  • Supports showing both regular and discounted prices.

Filtering and Sorting:

  • Supports filtering products by categories, tags, attributes, or custom criteria.
  • Provides sorting options such as price, popularity, or rating.

Search Functionality:

  • Allows searching for products based on keywords or other search parameters.
  • Supports predictive search or suggestions.

Error Handling:

  • Manages errors related to product operations, such as failed fetch requests or out-of-stock items.
  • Provides feedback to users when errors occur.

Product Customization:

  • Allows for product customization options (e.g., engraving, custom colors).
  • Manages the additional details or upcharges associated with customizations.

Product Comparison:

  • Provides functionality for users to compare multiple products.
  • Displays side-by-side comparisons of product features.

Product Recommendations:

  • Integrates with a recommendation system to suggest related or complementary products.
  • May use machine learning models or predefined rules to generate recommendations.


To use the useProduct function, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Install the necessary package using npm or yarn.

    npm install backchannel-library
  2. Import: Import the function into your project.

    import { useProduct } from "backchannel-library";
  3. Implementation: Implement the function in your code.

     import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
     function useProduct(productId) {
       const [product, setProduct] = useState(null);
       const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
       const [error, setError] = useState(null);
       useEffect(() => {
         async function fetchProduct() {
           try {
             const response = await fetch(`/api/products/${productId}`);
             const data = await response.json();
           } catch (err) {
           } finally {
       }, [productId]);
       const addToCart = (variantId, quantity) => {
         // Logic to add product to cart
       return {
     export default useProduct;


Here are some examples of how to use the useProduct function in different scenarios.

Basic Example

    function ProductPage({ productId }) {
      const { product, loading, error, addToCart } = useProduct(productId);

      if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
      if (error) return <div>Error: {error}</div>;

      return (
          <p>Price: ${product.price}</p>
          <button onClick={() => addToCart(, 1)}>Add to Cart</button>


paramNametypeDescription of the parameter


The useProduct hook is typically used in e-commerce or marketplace applications to manage product-related data and operations. Like other hooks, useProduct is not a built-in feature of React but a custom hook that developers create to encapsulate logic related to products.